Work Permit

Want to work in Canada?

Most of the foreign workers need work permit to work in Canada but some might not need one depending upon type of work they will perform in Canada. There are mainly two types of work permits.

LMIA based Work Permit:

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a employer driven process, before hiring foreign worker employer may need a LMIA. It is issued to employer when the job offer is genuine and no Canadian or permanent resident is available to fill that job position. Working on LMIA based work permit in Canada might make foreign worker eligible for permanent residency application under different programs provided that other eligibility criteria of that program are met.

We at Open Sky immigration do LMIA for employers and we are expertise in LMIA based work permit applications. You can rely on us for your work permit application.

Open Work Permit:

Are you and International student or worker in Canada? Your spouse is eligible for open work permit for Canada.

Living alone in Canada is hard and most of the married foreign worker and students in Canada wish to have their spouse and dependent children with them in Canada. We help people uniting with their family by applying open work permit for their spouse.


Post graduate work permit is issued to international students in Canada who has successfully completed their study in Canada and fulfilled other requirements of PGWP application. Our expert immigration consultant can apply PGWP on your behalf.

Depending on type of work permit we also help in extension of work permit.

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