Study Visa

A study visa allows you to stay in Canada while you pursue your studies at approved institution.

One of the best things about studying in Canada is that it has excellent education system that is beyond comparison. Canada is recognized worldwide for its outstanding lifestyle and quality of education in its colleges and universities. Studying in Canada can be an enriching and life-changing experience.

We at Open Sky Immigration help international students right from program selection to travelling to Canada. We offer more than 55 universities and 80 Colleges in Canada to select from. we recommend best program for students based on their academic background and interest.  There are several important factors which play role in visa approval. Our expertise in this visa category has helped several students to get study permits.

Benefits of studying in Canada:

The main benefit of studying in Canada is that graduates are eligible for Post-graduate work permit after successful completion of their study program which eventually opens doorway to more than one pathway for permanent residency. Moreover, international students can work part- time on campus and off campus during their academic session.

There are various levels of study programs available in Canadian colleges and universities, some of the programs offer Co-Op work opportunity during academic session which is helpful to gain valuable work experience in Canada.

We provide consultation to International students to choose most appropriate pathway for permanent residency after completing their studies in Canada

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