About us

About Open Sky Immigration Services

Open Sky Immigration – Make your dream true to live in Canada!

Open Sky Immigration has an enviable reputation for being one of the experienced and most reliable Canadian immigration consultancy. Our success has been deeply rooted in our level of dedication, thoroughness, and attention to detail. Over the past few years, we have made it our mission to assist students, workers and professionals to study, work and settle in Canada. We firmly believe in delivering satisfaction with every case we handle, make sure every application is made without flaw.

At Open Sky Immigration, you can rest assured that all of your immigration needs will be well taken care of. Kaushikkumar Patel at Open Sky Immigration is well experienced in handling complex immigration cases and navigating the complicated immigration process. He is CICC member and licensed Immigration consultant and foreign worker recruiter for Saskatchewan. Not only we understand the relevant laws and regulations, but we also recognize the importance of a stress-free experience for each client. We turn professionalism into personalized service and craft unique solutions for individuals, businesses, and others wishing to study, visit, immigrate and invest in Canada. With Open Sky Immigration at your side, you can pursue every opportunity available!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)