Express Entry

Express Entry is the fastest way to get permanent residency in Canada

The Express Entry Program of the Canadian Government is an CRS ( Comprehensive Ranking System) based selection program. Express Entry is a powerful tool designed to manage applications for Permanent Residence in Canada through three federal economic immigration programs (Federal Skilled Worker, Canadian Experience Class, Federal skilled Trades). It allows people to create profile who are looking to immigrate to Canada. With this program, the Canadian government leverages on technology-based tools to select right candidates based on certain criteria, making the process much faster and simpler than it used to be. Creating profile is the first and very important step towards your journey for immigrating to Canada, hence a small mistake can lead to delay or refusal. It is recommended to take professional advise if you are not sure about the process and requirements.

Open Sky Immigration – Let us submit your Express Entry Profile and PR application.

At open sky immigration we give professional guidance starting from profile creation to PR application. We give attention to each and every detail of the case and ensure the application is perfectly launched.

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